Apple QuickTime movie | 1994-09-09 | 28.1 MB | 160x120 | 30fps | 2 minutes, 59 seconds | [MooV/PrMr]
Transcription: Let's go for auto sequence start. We are go for start. 25. Booster hydraulic power units have started. 20. Sound suppression water system has started. 15. T minus 13 seconds. 10. T minus 10, go for main engine start. We are go for main engine start. T minus 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Two, one, and liftoff of the space shuttle Discovery with the Hubble Space Telescope, our window on the universe. Mission Control Houston. Roll program. Roger roll, Discovery. The roll maneuver puts the vehicle in the proper launch plane. Guidance officer confirms good roll maneuver. Engines now throttling back. The throttle- ...